Close-up of green and yellow reptile scales, focusing on the eye of a yearling chondro.

The Collection

Quality Over Quantity

Green tree pythons breeding


  • Close-up of coiled green tree python with vibrant scales. - "Sindragosa"

    Gratiot (SH07078) x Skittles (MB-06-14)

  • Green tree python coiled on a branch with bokeh lights in the background.

    JI-20-25 - "Sinestra"

    Wrangler x Mercury (VV1502)

  • Close-up of a green snake with textured scales and yellow patterns, focusing on its head and eyes.

    VV1813 - "Sapphiron"

    BJA0827 (Skyy/Topaz) x SH08196 (BM Cyclops/Sorong)


  • Green tree python with blue and yellow scales coiled around a branch.

    JI-20-08 - "Nefarian"

    Blue Mist (SSBE-11-05) x Sophie (BM Wamena)

  • Green tree python coiled on a branch with dark background.

    VV2252 - "Frostmourne"

    BJA0827 (Skyy/Topaz) x VV1636 (Skyy/Topaz x Rico's Blue Boy)

  • Green tree python coiled on a branch against a blurred background.

    SSBE-11-03 - "Malygos"

    Blue Deuce x Lil Stevie